2024_03_10,11&12 - Bruce Malone
Join us in March as Bruce Malone Presents:
Sunday, March 10, 2024
Fairview Lutheran Church – Evening program 6:30 PM
137 N 66th St, Milwaukee, WI 53213
“The Three Most Significant Events in Human History”
All of us could list significant events which have happened in our lifetimes. Yet every one of them will be forgotten and irrelevant to the vast majority within a few hundred years. But there are three historical events which still impact every human on the planet even though they are largely ignored and denied by both the academic world and many churches.
Monday, March 11, 2024
Bruce will be a guest on WVCY radio 107.7FM – Crosstalk program at 2:00 PM
Grace Bible Church – Evening program 6:30 PM
2643 S 117th St, West Allis, WI 53227
“How to Fold a Rock” – It was the denial of a real, world-restructuring, biblical-scale, global flood which directly led to the widespread acceptance of Darwinian evolution. Using visual images, demonstrations, and video clips we will examine in easy to understand, non-technical terms the mechanisms which formed the rock layers during the flood and how we can know that there is no "missing time" between the rock layers.
Tuesday, March 12, 2024
Homeschool event 1:00 PM – if interested contact cvse50@gmail.com for details.
Faith Lutheran Church – Evening program 6:30 PM
W172N11187 Division Rd, Germantown, WI 53022
“Discovery and Design” – A look at specific inventions which have changed human history as a direct result of observing creation. God is both the greatest artist and the ultimate engineer.
Our Speaker: Bruce Malone
Bruce has 27 years’ experience as Research Leader with Dow Chemical. After leaving he became Director of Search for the Truth Ministries with the vision of “Awakening Hearts and Minds to Biblical Truth”.  Bruce has a B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Cincinnati and holds 17 patents for new products.  He has given creation seminars to churches and schools in 18 countries, authored ten books on the evidence for creation with over 700,000 copies in print, produced a 19 part creation video series called The Rocks Cry Out, and posts 3 minute videos called Without a Doubt on the evidence for creation.  Search for the Truth ministries has presented over 350 science assemblies in public high schools of 6 different nations and given 200,000 books on the evidence for creation to these students, ending each assembly with the Gospel message, many times to students who have never heard the Good News.  Bruce and his wife Robin have been married for 40 years and have four grown children and eight grandchildren.
Sponsored by:
Creation Science Society of Milwaukee, Inc.
This program is free and open to the public.

Save the date!
Saturday, April 20, 2024 (Indoor & Outdoor programs)
Dave Nelson at Camp Timber-lee
N8705 Scout Rd, East Troy, WI 53120