Ken Bahr
Ken Bahr taught Biology, Physical Science, and English at Milwaukee Lutheran High School for 36 years out of a teaching career of forty years. He taught Algebra and Plane Geometry 4 years at Concordia College High School, in Milwaukee, WI.
He received his Bachelor’s degree in Education from Concordia Teacher’s College in River Forest, Illinois. As a NSF (National Science Foundation) student he obtained his Master’s in Science Education at the University of Georgia, Athens, Ga.
Having an interest in the study of God’s creation, he has been active in the Creation Science Society of Milwaukee as President for 17 years, and is currently serving as Program Chairman.
Ken has been interviewed on the WVCY program IN FOCUS with Vic Eliason. He has written a featured article for the Milwaukee Journal, on the controversy of teaching Evolution in Kansas Public schools. At previous Creation Science meetings Ken has presented the following topics: Creation, Dinosaurs, and Evolution; The Human Embryo; Apes and Humans by Evolution or Creation; Dinosaurs: Are They Really Mentioned in the Bible; and 3 videos in the Moody Institute series: The Wonders of God’s Creation; The Animal Kingdom; The Planet Earth, and The Human Body. Ken has also led discussions of the following videos: The Genesis Solution; A Question of Origins and Scientific Creationism, and Evolution: Fact or Fiction.
Since his retirement from teaching, Ken has presented various topics to Bible classes and to home-schoolers. He has presented topics at Camp Timber-lee, Camp LuWiSoMo and at Grace Ev. Lutheran Church, Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin.