
The Creation Science Society of Milwaukee has its roots in the ministry of Reverend Walter Lang.
In September of 1963 Walter Lang decided that, as an aid to his efforts in promoting creationism, it was necessary to publish a Bible-Science Newsletter on a regular basis.  Issues for September, October, and November of 1963 were mimeographed on a church office mimeograph.  In 1964 the Bible-Science Association was formed with Rev. Lang as Executive Director.
The Bible-Science Association was formed in Caldwell, Idaho in 1964 and moved to Minneapolis, Minnesota in 1978.
You can read Rev. Walter Lang's complete story in "Two Decades of Creationism" by clicking the link below:
First Creation Creation Convention in Milwaukee - 1972
    The first large, public creationist convention ever held in the United States convened in the Holiday Inn Central in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, October 10-13, 1972. The object of this gathering was to strengthen belief in the Genesis account of creation through scientific disciplines.
    The convention was sponsored by the East Wisconsin Chapter of the Bible-Science Association (Lutheran-Missouri Synod). This chapter consists of a group of believers in special creation from many different scientific organizations, schools and churches. Through the careful planning of Paul Freeman, Andrews University alumnus chemist, and that of his fellow officers including Russell Leitch, Lorraine Schaffer, Gerald Mallman, and with the enthusiastic and complete backing of Rev. Walter Lang, executive director of the Bible-Science Association, a most interesting group of over 400 Protestants, Catholics and Jews came together and participated freely in lively, open discussion.
    With the help of the Bible-Science officers, the following seventeen persons, well-known in creationist literature, were successfully assembled: A. Anderson, Clifford Burdick, Donald Chittick, B. Davidheiser, D. Dean, John Klotz, Walter Lammerts, Walter Lang, Frank Marsh, J. Moore, Henry Morris, George Mulfinger, Wilbert Rusch, K. Segraves, A. Tilney, William Tinkle, and John Whitcomb.
    Various topics included thermodynamics, the Genesis flood, the virgin birth, scientific accuracy of the Scriptures, origin of human speech, chromosome and mutation tests of ethnic history, need for the teaching of creation in public schools, history of evolution, the scientific method, our degenerating universe, the geologic column, radioactive dating, creation — a challenge for youth, early man, the Genesis kinds in our modern world, mutations, and the fossil evidence.   More

The movie, "Footprints in Stone," by Stan Taylor had its premier showing at this convention.

Several interesting events came about at this first convention. In the summer of 1971 Dr. Robert Armstrong, an osteopathic surgeon located at that time in Florida, joined the Bible-Science tour group at Grand Canyon and Supai Canyon. He financed several guests at the convention, including Mr. Christenson, editor of Moody Monthly, who became interested in creationism. Walter Lang visited Christenson and his staff in Chicago in November, 1972 after the convention. From time to time this periodical has carried creationist articles. Mr. Christensen believed the creationist position might be subject to change in the future, and he feared he might need to retract something which he had allowed to be published. Lang explained that absolute truth can be found only in the Bible; even in creation science there will be changes.

A Lutheran pastor (Missouri Synod) from Milwaukee attended sessions with the idea of ridiculing the position that the earth is only thousands of years old. He favored theistic evolution and he did embarrass some of the speakers. But, afterward, Dr. Donald Chittick had an hour-long discussion with him and convinced him of the young-earth concept. From theistic evolution to special creation was a drastic conversion.

A principal of a Christian school in San Jose, California had problems with a teacher who accepted theistic evolution. This principal financed the teacher's attendance at the convention, and he has been an aggressive special creationist ever since.

Second Convention in Milwaukee — 1974

A second convention was held in Milwaukee in 1974. The same group of people who managed the 1972 convention made arrangements for this one, doing an excellent job. The lectures were divided into two groups — technical and non-technical. Two books of essays were printed. These are titled A Challenge to Education II (A)34a and A Challenge to Education II (B).34b .  An added benefit of these conventions was that creationists from Bob Jones University in Greenville, South Carolina were able to meet with creationists from the Seventh Day Adventist schools.

At these early conventions leaders in creationist circles met with one another for discussions, a practice not easily carried on at present. Attending were Henry Morris, Ph.D., Duane Gish, Ph.D., John Grebe, Ph.D., Walter Lammerts, Ph.D., Wilbert Rusch, D.D., Lt. Col. Richard Korthals, and Eryl Cummings, the well-known "archaeologist." John Morris had just returned from a trip to Mount Ararat; his first trip there was with a Bible-Science sponsored tour in 1971.

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