Creation in the 21st Century
Creation in the 21st Century
Hosted by David Rives
Presenting scientific evidence for creation and design by a personal creator.
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Click on the links below to view the program:
Ahead of their Time (1 of 3)
Ahead of their Time (2 of 3)
Ahead of their Time (3 of 3)
Archeology and the Bible (1 of 3) - Dr. Scott Carrol
Archeology and the Bible (2 of 3) - Dr. Scott Carrol
Archeology and the Bible (3 of 3) - Dr. Scott Carrol
More Archeology and the Bible (1 of 3) (Pagan Parallels) - Dr. Scott Carrol)
More Archeology and the Bible (2 of 3) (Pagan Parallels) - Dr. Scott Carrol

More Archeology and the Bible (3 of 3) (Pagan Parallels) - Dr. Scott Carrol
A Year of Promise (1 of 3)
A Year of Promise (2 of 3)
A Year of Promise (3 of 3)
Caught in the Act (1 of 3) - Dr. Dennis Swift
Caught in the Act (2 of 3) - Dr. Dennis Swift
Caught in the Act (3 of 3) - Dr. Dennis Swift
Common Challenges (1 of 3)
Common Challenges (1 of 3)
Common Challenges (1 of 3)
Creation Impact (1 of 3)
Creation Impact (2 of 3)
Creation Impact (3 of 3)
Crunch the Numbers Part 1 (1 of 3)
Crunch the Numbers Part 1 (2 of 3)
Crunch the Numbers Part 1 (3 of 3)
Crunch the Numbers Part 2 (1 of 3)
Crunch the Numbers Part 2 (2 of 3)
Crunch the Numbers Part 2 (3 of 3)
Dads are Different (1 of 3)
Dads are Different (2 of 3)
Dads are Different (3 of 3)
Dinosaurs and Creation (1 of 3)
Dinosaurs and Creation (2 of 3)
Dinosaurs and Creation (3 of 3)
Effective Speech (1 of 3)
Effective Speech (2 of 3)
Effective Speech (3 of 3)
Evolution Expelled (1 of 3)
Evolution Expelled (2 of 3)
Evolution Expelled (3 of 3)
Explain God (1 of 3)
Explain God (2 of 3)
Explain God (3 of 3)

Explain Evolution (1 of 3)
Explain Evolution (2 of 3)
Explain Evolution (3 of 3)
First Christmas in Heaven (1 of 3)
First Christmas in Heaven (2 of 3)
First Christmas in Heaven (3 of 3)
Flip of a Coin (1 of 3)
Flip of a Coin (2 of 3)
Flip of a Coin (3 of 3)
Fossils Galore Part 1 (1 of 3)
Fossils Galore Part 1 (2 of 3)
Fossils Galore Part 1 (3 of 3)
Fossils Galore Part 2 (1 of 3)
Fossils Galore Part 2 (2 of 3)
Fossils Galore Part 2 (3 of 3)
From Where did these Layers Come (1 of 3)
From Where did these Layers Come (2 of 3)
From Where did these Layers Come (3 of 3)
Genuine Gold Rolex (1 of 3)
Genuine Gold Rolex (2 of 3)
Genuine Gold Rolex (3 of 3)
God Bless America (1 of 3)
God Bless America (2 of 3)
God Bless America (3 of 3)
Good for the Body, Good for the Soul (1 of 3)
Good for the Body, Good for the Soul (2 of 3)
Good for the Body, Good for the Soul (3 of 3)
Heavens and Recent Creation (1 of 3)
Heavens and Recent Creation (2 of 3)
Heavens and Recent Creation (3 of 3)
How to Talk to an Evolutionist about Creation (1 of 3)
How to Talk to an Evolutionist about Creation (2 of 3)
How to Talk to an Evolutionist about Creation (3 of 3)
Isaiah and Science (1 of 3)
Isaiah and Science (2 of 3)
Isaiah and Science (3 of 3)
Letter to the Emperor (1 of 3) - Biblical Chronology - Dr. Floyd Nolan Jones
Letter to the Emperor (2 of 3) - Biblical Chronology - Dr. Floyd Nolan Jones
Letter to the Emperor (3 of 3) - Biblical Chronology - Dr. Floyd Nolan Jones
Let's Review the Facts (1 of 3)
Let's Review the Facts (2 of 3)
Let's Review the Facts (3 of 3)
Let's Talk to an Evolutionist About Creation (1 of 3)
Let's Talk to an Evolutionist About Creation (2 of 3)
Let's Talk to an Evolutionist About Creation (3 of 3)
Modern Medical Science (1 of 3)
Modern Medical Science (2 of 3)
Modern Medical Science (3 of 3)
Mountains from the Sky (1 of 3)
Mountains from the Sky (2 of 3)
Mountains from the Sky (3 of 3)
Nazca Bombshell (1 of 3) (Nazca and Palpa Lines) - Dr. Dennis Swift
Nazca Bombshell (2 of 3) (Nazca and Palpa Lines) - Dr. Dennis Swift
Nazca Bombshell (3 of 3) (Nazca and Palpa Lines) - Dr. Dennis Swift
Noah's Ark and Jesus (1 of 3)
Noah's Ark and Jesus (2 of 3)
Noah's Ark and Jesus (3 of 3)
Noah's Flood Fact or Fantasy (1 of 3)
Noah's Flood Fact or Fantasy (2 of 3)
Noah's Flood Fact or Fantasy (3 of 3)
Our Young Moon (1 of 3)
Our Young Moon (2 of 3)
Our Young Moon (3 of 3)
Overwhelming Evidence (1 of 3)
Overwhelming Evidence (2 of 3)
Overwhelming Evidence (3 of 3)
Palace of Dinosaurs, Part 1 (1 of 3)
Palace of Dinosaurs, Part 1 (2 of 3)
Palace of Dinosaurs, Part 1 (3 of 3)
Palace of Dinosaurs, Part 2 (1 of 3)
Palace of Dinosaurs, Part 2 (2 of 3)
Palace of Dinosaurs, Part 2 (3 of 3)
Preponderance of Evidence (1 of 3)
Preponderance of Evidence (2 of 3)
Preponderance of Evidence (3 of 3)
Rapid Formation of the Grand Canyon (1 of 3)
Rapid Formation of the Grand Canyon (2 of 3)
Rapid Formation of the Grand Canyon (3 of 3)
Thanksgiving - Spell it Out (1 of 3)
Thanksgiving - Spell it Out (2 of 3)
Thanksgiving - Spell it Out (3 of 3)
The Ark and the Ed Davis Story (1 of 3)
The Ark and the Ed Davis Story (2 of 3)
The Ark and the Ed Davis Story (3 of 3)
The Gaps are Enormous (1 of 3)
The Gaps are Enormous (2 of 3)
The Gaps are Enormous (3 of 3)
The Ica Stones (1 of 3)
The Ica Stones (2 of 3)
The Ica Stones (3 of 3)
The Music of Christmas (1 of 3)
The Music of Christmas (2 of 3)
The Music of Christmas (3 of 3)
The Way of Life (1 of 3)
The Way of Life (2 of 3)
The Way of Life (3 of 3)
The Young Solar System (1 of 3)
The Young Solar System (2 of 3)
The Young Solar System (3 of 3)
Was Jesus a Scientist (1 of 3)
Was Jesus a Scientist (2 of 3)
Was Jesus a Scientist (3 of 3)
Welcome to Eternity (1 of 3)
Welcome to Eternity (2 of 3)
Welcome to Eternity (3 of 3)
Why the Difference (1 of 3)
Why the Difference (2 of 3)
Why the Difference (3 of 3)